Can you eat Japanese curry for breakfast?


Japanese curry is a beloved dish, known for its rich flavor, mild heat, and comforting texture. Traditionally, it is enjoyed for lunch or dinner. However, there’s a growing trend in Japan of having “asa curry” (literally “curry for breakfast”). Can you eat Japanese curry for breakfast? Absolutely. This savory meal is becoming more popular as people look for substantial and nutritious options to start their day. In this article, we will explore why Japanese curry can be a fantastic breakfast choice, delve into its nutritional benefits, and discuss practical ways you can include it in your morning routine.

The Rise of Curry for Breakfast

The idea of eating curry for breakfast is not as strange as it may seem. In Japan, “asa curry” has become an increasingly popular trend, and it’s easy to see why. One of the biggest cultural influencers behind this trend is Ichiro Suzuki, a well-known baseball player who frequently talks about having curry for breakfast. His preference for this hearty dish has significantly influenced the perception of curry as a suitable breakfast option.

In addition to celebrity influence, societal changes have also contributed to the rise of curry for breakfast. Many professionals in Japan face long working hours and need a breakfast that can keep them energized throughout the day. Curry, with its blend of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, provides the kind of balanced nutrition needed to sustain energy levels for longer periods. As a result, curry has become more accessible as a breakfast option not only at home but also at fast-food chains and local eateries across Tokyo and other urban areas.

Fast-food chains like Matsuya and Yoshinoya have taken note of this shift and started adding breakfast curry to their menus. This convenience is a boon for busy workers who want a quick, hearty start to their day without having to prepare it themselves. Even the C&C Restaurant in Shibuya, Tokyo, has made curry a staple of its breakfast offerings, allowing patrons to customize their meals with a variety of proteins, such as chicken cutlets and eggs. This adaptability has been key to Japanese curry’s popularity for breakfast.

For those interested in more cultural insights into fast food trends in Japan, you can read more about it on Nikkei’s coverage of Japanese breakfast habits.

The Science Behind Breakfast Choices

To understand why Japanese curry is a good choice for breakfast, it’s important to consider the science of breakfast nutrition. A balanced breakfast should ideally include a mix of macronutrients—protein, carbohydrates, and fats—to ensure steady energy release throughout the morning. Japanese curry perfectly fits into this category.

  1. Complex Carbohydrates for Energy: The base of Japanese curry is usually rice, which provides complex carbohydrates. Unlike simple carbs, such as those found in sugary cereals, the body breaks down complex carbs slowly, leading to a gradual increase in blood sugar levels rather than a rapid spike. This means that a breakfast of curry and rice helps you feel energized for longer without the mid-morning crash that can come with high-sugar foods.
  2. Protein for Sustained Satiety: Many people choose a protein-rich breakfast because protein helps reduce hunger and maintain fullness. Japanese curry often includes sources like chicken, beef, or tofu. These proteins are essential for maintaining muscle mass and metabolic functions. For those looking for a vegetarian option, chickpeas and other legumes can be an excellent alternative, offering the same satiety benefits.
  3. Healthy Fats for Brain Function: Curry made with ingredients like coconut milk contains healthy fats, which are important for brain health. Fat not only adds flavor but also plays a role in absorbing fat-soluble vitamins (like Vitamins A, D, E, and K) that are crucial for overall health. Healthy fats help enhance the flavors of the dish and keep you full for longer periods.
  4. Antioxidants and Anti-Inflammatory Compounds: One of the standout ingredients in Japanese curry is turmeric, known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Starting your day with a dish that includes turmeric can help reduce inflammation and improve immune response. Turmeric, combined with other spices like ginger and garlic, turns a typical curry into a powerhouse of nutrients that support overall health and well-being. You can learn more about the benefits of turmeric in Medical News Today’s recent article.

Where to Find Breakfast Curry in Japan

If you’re visiting Japan and interested in trying curry for breakfast, you’re in luck. There are numerous places where you can enjoy it:

  • C&C Restaurant, Shibuya: This restaurant is popular among locals for its affordable and tasty breakfast curry options. Located in Shibuya, the restaurant serves a variety of curries. You can enjoy them with different accompaniments such as boiled eggs or fried chicken cutlets.
  • Matsuya and Yoshinoya: These fast-food chains have introduced breakfast curry to their morning menus. They provide a convenient, no-fuss way to enjoy curry, whether you’re heading to work or just need a quick bite.
  • Independent Curry Houses: Throughout Tokyo, you’ll find smaller, family-owned curry houses that also serve asa curry. These places are worth visiting not only for the food but also for the cozy, authentic dining experience.

For those not able to travel to Japan but still want to bring a taste of Japanese breakfast to their homes, it’s easy to recreate the experience using either homemade recipes or pre-made curry roux.

Homemade Japanese Curry for Breakfast

One of the best parts about Japanese curry is its versatility. It’s an easy dish to make at home, and it adapts well to different preferences. Preparing Japanese curry for breakfast can be a wonderful way to add more variety to your mornings. Below, we discuss different methods to make this delicious breakfast:

  1. Using Pre-Made Curry Roux: One of the easiest ways to make Japanese curry is by using pre-made curry roux cubes. Popular brands like S&B Golden Curry offer a quick solution that allows you to make a comforting meal in under 30 minutes. These roux cubes are often high in sodium. To balance sodium levels, add more vegetables or dilute the sauce with extra water.
  2. Making Curry from Scratch: If you prefer a healthier version, making curry from scratch is an excellent option. Start by making a roux with butter, flour, and a blend of spices such as turmeric, curry powder, cumin, and coriander. This roux can then be used to create a curry base. Add vegetables like carrots, potatoes, and bell peppers along with your choice of protein. Cooking from scratch not only gives you more control over the ingredients but also allows you to experiment with different flavors.
  3. Batch Cooking and Meal Prep: Japanese curry is perfect for batch cooking. Cook a larger portion the night before and store it in the fridge. Curry tastes even better the next day as the flavors have more time to meld together. This makes it an ideal candidate for a ready-to-go breakfast. Simply reheat and serve with freshly cooked rice. You can find inspiration for meal-prepped breakfast dishes on Angie Recipes’ easy breakfast ideas.

Japanese Curry Varieties for Breakfast

Japanese curry is not a one-size-fits-all dish. Depending on your preference, there are various types of curry you can enjoy for breakfast:

  • Vegetarian Curry: Replace the meat with tofu or chickpeas and add more vegetables like zucchini, bell peppers, and spinach. This version is lighter and packed with nutrients, making it a good choice for those who don’t want something too heavy in the morning.
  • Seafood Curry: For a different twist, use shrimp or fish as your protein source. Seafood pairs wonderfully with the flavors of Japanese curry and offers omega-3 fatty acids that are beneficial for heart and brain health.
  • Egg and Spinach Curry: A lighter option involves adding soft-boiled eggs and spinach to the curry. Eggs are a great source of protein and add richness, while spinach provides iron and other essential nutrients.

How to Customize Your Breakfast Curry Experience

Japanese curry is highly customizable, and everyone can make it their own by incorporating different sides, garnishes, and accompaniments:

  • Rice Alternatives: While curry is traditionally served with rice, you can switch it up by using quinoa or brown rice for added fiber and a different texture. If you are avoiding grains, try serving the curry with cauliflower rice for a lighter option.
  • Add Pickled Vegetables: Adding a side of tsukemono (Japanese pickles) can enhance the flavors of the curry. Pickles add acidity and a crisp texture, balancing the richness of the curry.
  • Garnishes: Top your curry with garnishes like green onions, shredded cheese, or even a drizzle of soy sauce. These small touches can elevate the flavor profile and make your breakfast feel more special.
  • Serving Style: Curry doesn’t always have to be served as a stew. You can create a curry toast by spreading a thick layer of Japanese curry on toasted bread and topping it with cheese before broiling it briefly. This makes for a quick, handheld breakfast option that’s easy to eat on the go.

The Health Impact of Eating Curry for Breakfast

Breakfast is often referred to as the most important meal of the day, and Japanese curry can contribute to a healthier lifestyle in multiple ways:

  1. Improved Digestion: The spices used in Japanese curry, such as ginger and garlic, are known for aiding digestion. Starting your day with a well-seasoned meal can help stimulate digestive juices and prepare your stomach for the day ahead.
  2. Boosted Immunity: Ingredients like turmeric and onions are known for their immune-boosting properties. Regular consumption of these ingredients may improve the body’s defense system, especially useful during colder months or flu season.
  3. Steady Blood Sugar Levels: Unlike sugary breakfasts that can lead to insulin spikes, the combination of protein, fiber, and healthy fats in curry helps to keep blood sugar levels stable. This is particularly important for those who need sustained energy throughout a busy morning, such as working professionals or students.

FAQs About Eating Japanese Curry for Breakfast (Expanded)

  1. Is Japanese Curry Too Heavy for Breakfast?
    • Some people might find Japanese curry heavy, especially if it includes a lot of rice or fatty meats. In contrast, lighter versions can be made using lean proteins and more vegetables. Therefore, it becomes nutritious without feeling overwhelming.
  2. What Are the Health Benefits of Curry for Breakfast?
    • Aside from being filling, curry contains spices that are rich in antioxidants. These help reduce inflammation and provide a variety of vitamins and minerals. A breakfast that includes turmeric, ginger, and garlic helps in maintaining overall health and immunity.
  3. How Can I Reduce Sodium in Pre-Made Curry?
    • Sodium levels in pre-made curry can be reduced by diluting the curry with extra vegetables or water. Alternatively, creating your own curry roux allows for complete control over the salt content, ensuring a healthier meal.
  4. Are There Vegetarian Versions of Breakfast Curry?
    • Absolutely! Vegetarian versions of Japanese curry are delicious and can be easily adapted to suit dietary needs. Using vegetables like potatoes, carrots, and bell peppers along with tofu or chickpeas can create a flavorful dish without any meat.
  5. What Are Good Sides to Have with Breakfast Curry?
    • Curry pairs well with pickled vegetables, a soft-boiled egg, or a side of miso soup. These additions not only enhance the flavors of the curry but also provide balance by adding different textures and tastes.


Japanese curry for breakfast is more than just a trend. Instead, it’s a nutritious, flavorful, and versatile meal option. It could help you break away from the monotony of cereal and toast. Moreover, whether you’re enjoying it in a Tokyo restaurant or cooking it from scratch at home, Japanese curry offers a blend of flavors that invigorate your morning routine. With a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, along with the immune-boosting properties of spices, asa curry can be a game-changer for those looking for a substantial and exciting breakfast.

For more creative breakfast ideas, visit Angie Recipes’ guide on exciting morning dishes, and get inspired to bring variety and nutrition to your daily meals. Embrace Japanese curry for breakfast and enjoy a hearty, flavorful start to your day!

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